Youth Health Rights and Responsibilities
As a youth at Don Medical Clinic I have the right:
- To be treated respectfully by all staff
- To receive comprehensive quality care and appropriate health services by staff who are comfortable and experienced with young people
- To be presented with honest and complete health information, guidance and care
- To include family members, friend and partners in my care at my request
- To request a doctor with who I feel comfortable, and to ask for a second opinion when I believe it's necessary
- To communicate with members of the health team in a language and manner that is understandable to me
- To have the conditions and limitations of confidentially explained to me
- To be addressed by my name and to know the names of doctors, nurses and others who help care for me
- To be informed about my health care benefits and health plan procedures
- To review my records
ANDI have the responsibility:
- To give honest and complete information to my healthcare providers, and let them know if my health changes
- To ask questions about my health or health care including the names, purposes and side effects of medications that are prescribed to me
- To follow the plan I decide on with my healthcare providers, and let then know if I choose to change my mind
- To treat the clinic staff, other patients and the clinic policies with respect.
When you have questions -ASK!
When you have complaints -SPEAK UP!
When you like what happens - SMILE AND SAY THANKS!