Electronic Prescriptions (eRx) and My Script List (MySL)
Electronic Prescriptions (eRx) and My Script List (MySL). or Active Script List (ASL)
Don Medical Clinic recommends the use of Electronic prescriptions where possible.
This form of prescription is an alternative to the traditional paper based prescriptions.
Why Use electronic prescriptions?
- You receive the prescription "link" faster to your phone. (excellent for video or phone consults)
- easy to read and dispense at the pharmacy
- safe and secure. Harder to lose.
- Saves paper
What are the types of electronic prescriptions?
- eRx
- eRx is a token based system. The token is a "QR Code". The token is sent to your Phone via SMS
- When you go to your pharmacy, you open the link on the SMS to access the"Token"
- the pharmacy "scans" the token on your phone to get a link to download your prescription.
- they dispense your medication as usual. Once this happens it deactivates the token so it cannot be used again
- Repeats - if you have repeats on your prescription - you will then receive a new "Token" sent to your phone to use for next time. - Dont delete it!
- Most of the time when you get your eRx or your repeat Rx, it will come from the same Number or a limited range of numbers- Save these numbers as a favourite and "PIN" it to the top of your SMS screen.
- OR
- If you have the "My Health record" App on your phone and this is all set up, you can open the Link from the SMS to your prescription Token.
- this will Open your My Health Record app.
- from here you can add your eRx's to your My health App so when you go to the pharmacy,
- open your My Health Record App -
- Click on the "Medicines and Electronic prescriptions" Icon -
- then "electronic prescriptions" -
- from there you can access your tokens ready for the pharmacy
- My Script List (MySL), (also can be called an "Active Script List")
- MySL is an online portal for uploading and storing your Prescriptions
- it is ideal for anyone who has regular precriptions or multiple prescriptions as it keeps them all togther including repeats and you can not misplace them or delete them.
- How MySL works
- You as the patient registers with your pharmacy. You will need your "100 points of ID" to do this. (Drivers Licence PLUS your medicare card)
- The pharmacist then has ongoing access for when you want a medication dispensed
- When you see your GP, you tell them you have a "My Script List" set up.
- The GP software will send you an SMS message asking you to grant them access to the MySL. (You can grant ongoing access or for 24 hours-for you regular GP is best to be ongoing so they can send prescriptions when necessary)
- once this is done the GP can either send any prescriptions as an eRx or straight to your MySL
- then all you do is go your pharmacy of choice, tell them you need "xxxx" prescription on your My Script List.
- the pharmacist then logs in and gets the electronic prescription and dispenses your medicine.
- If you go to a diferent pharmacist or GP (eg if you are away etc)
- you tell them you have the My Script List.
- they send a link that again goes to your phone requesting access.
- You give them access ongoing or just for 24 hours.
- they dispense your medication.
- simple. No lost scripts. Always in one place
- How do you see what you have?
- If you have your My Health Record App set up on your Phone. (Best way)
- You login to your My Health Record App
- on th dashboard you can select the "Medicines and Electronic Prescriptions" section
- In this section it should list all electronic prescriptions and also any on your My Script List.
- this should tell you when prescribed and also how many repeats for each prescription.
- If you have your My Health Record App set up on your Phone. (Best way)