Travel Health - please note this service is only available to current patients who attend Don Medical Clinic
If you are travelling overseas it is a good idea to think about how to keep you and your family safe from illness, so that you enjoy your visit.
Depending where you go will depend on what risk you might be exposed to.
The Department of Health and Smartraveller Website are useful sites to find out information about where you are going to .

You can check your current recorded Immunisations through the Express Medicare plus App, or through your Medicare Online account
It is a Great idea to add the "My health record" app to our smartphone before you go. This can list your health conditions, Medications, immunisations and allergies etc as a handy resource for travel and for future.
Don Medical Clinic offers comprehensive pretravel assessment and preparation for you.
There are many different types of immunisations and the practice is registered to provide Yellow Fever Immunisations that is necesary to enter some countries.
If you are able to provide information about where you are going and when , we can commence the assessment before your consultation. This does take the GP some time to assess risk and then appropriate advice back to you and fees may be charged for this service.
Consultations and vaccines that are dedicated purely for Travel Medicine for Work related travel are not eligible for a Medicare Rebate so are not eligile for a Medicare rebate. They may be able to be claimed as a tax deduction so speak with your tax adviser.
Consultations for Travel Medicine for recreation/personal travel Are eligible for a Medicare rebate. These are not bulk billed. The Vaccines required are paid for privately at your own expense.
For an individual - this will be a standard consult fee of $93 (Concession fees and Medicare rebate may apply for eligible people) and $20 fee per appointment to see the nurse for follow up immunisations.
For families or group immunisations then an appropriate fee will be arranged to help keep costs to a minimum.
To help us to achieve this if you can provide some information about your planned travel that will make the visit more useful when you see the doctor.
If you have any immunisation schedules or summaries that you can bring along to the appointment that would also be very useful.