Winter Newsletter
Welcome to our winter up date.
1. Transition of the Health Care Home Program to the Keep Well Clinic Program
The Health Care Home pilot project will close at the end of June 2021. There are 160 patients signed up for this program, and they will have received an email about this. The team at Don Medical Clinic has learnt a great deal on how to deliver patient centred , team-based, collaborative care and will endeavour to continue this level of care under Medicare and offer it to all practice patients as the Keep Well Clinic Program. For more information :
Keep Well Clinic Program
2. Leave for Doctors
Dr Jane will be on leave from July 5th - July 23rd
Dr Sandra will be on leave July 26th - August 13th
Dr Bec will be on leave August 9th - August 20th
There will be adequate doctors to cover these sessions if you are requiring an appointment.
3. Don Medical Clinic Weekend Workshop 
In late June the staff will be meeting for a weekend workshop to further refine policies and procedures at both administration and clinical levels to ensure efficient delivery of the quality team based care that Don Medical Clinic has become known for.
4. Mirena Clinic
The Mirena Clinic is now running on Wednesday mornings with Dr Bec and Nurse Tamara. If you are interested in the Mirena for long acting contraception and would like to make an appointment to discuss this option with Dr Bec please click on the following icon .
5. COVID Vaccination Clinics
Don Medical Clinic continues to offer Astra Zeneca Covid immunisation clinics.
6 .Dont Forget to get you Flu Shot this year !
Some patients are choosing influenza or covid vaccinations but not both. We would strongly advise that you consider both immunisations. They are not the same and one will not offer any cover against the other. Currently a 7 day window is recommended between the two .
7. Non Urgent Appointments
If you requiring and appointment that is not urgent then make an online notification :
8. Repeat Scripts and Ongoing Referrals can be made online
9 Dry Eye Clinic
And finally dont forget about our specialist dry eye clinic
The Don Medical Clinic Team