Don Medical Clinic Newsletter
Change to Online appointment and Patient Recall system
Don Medical clinic is transitioning to a new Online Booking service called "HOTDOC". This new system has several features that will enable better communication between Don Medical Clinic and you, and these features are listed below.
1. Online Appointment booking system - Currently you can book appointments through our website by clicking the "Make appointment " button. This feature will remain, however it will soon re-direct to the "HotDoc" service. You can also access online appointments by going to and following the links. For those people who prefer to use the "App", You will need to Download and install the "HOTDOC" app from the App store or Google Play. Just search for "HOTDOC". - start date - By July 30.
2. Appointment Reminders - For most standard appointments, you will receive a text reminder about 24 hours prior to your appointment. From the reminder you will be able to confirm the appointment online. If you need to cancel or re-schedule, you will need to contact reception on 03 6441 5299. - This is active now
3. Recall service - We are updating our recall service to utilise secure message delivery (SMD). When a recall is due for a particular test or review, you may receive a SMD, a phone call or letter. If you receive an SMD, you will need to click on and follow the link to login and receive the full message. This service ensures safe, secure and confidential recall advice. - This service is being transitioned into the practice from today. We will endeavour to make sure these are all accurate, but there may be some that have already been performed. If you receive a message that you are uncerrtain about or think has already been performed, please contact reception so we can update your record. We appreciate your assistance with this.
Changes to our GPs 
Dr Jeff Power will be commencing practice with us from July 30th. Dr Jeff will be working 2 days per week at Don medical clinic and is a welcome edition to our clinical team.
Dr Michelle Musca is currently on maternity leave until 2019.
Dr Sarvin Randhawa has been with Don Medical clinic for the last 6 months as part of her GP registrar training. Dr Sarvin will be completing her term with us at the end of July and we wish Dr Sarvin all the best for her future and know she is going to be an excellent GP.
We know it can be challenging at times to get an appointment and we are mindful of this and looking at ways to improve this. This may mean our reception or nurse staff asking a few details to triage your clinical requirments and urgency. We appreciate your patience and assure you we will always endeavour to address your appointment needs in a timely manner.
Thank you for your ongoing support
your Don Medical Clinic Team