Don Medical Clinic - February Up Date
1. Doctor / Staff Up Date
The team would like thank Dr Tim Lowe for his locum with us. He has been a great member of the team over the past two months and allowed our doctors to have a break over summer before the new year starts. We wish him all the best and hope he might return in the future.
Dr Louisa Jones will be joining us for three weeks in March.
Please note we have up dated our staff photographs and bios. STAFF
2. Dr Fatemeh Khodadadi
We have welcomed Dr Fatemeh to our team. She has moved to Australia from Iran with her family. She is quickly learning about the Australian way and we are supporting her with an intense induction program over the next 12 weeks. You may meet her in coming weeks as she starts to do the health checks and care plan appointments. She is working under supervision over the next 12 weeks.
This week COVID impacted on two of our doctors and their families. This resulted in isolation at home for our doctors. Booked appointments where possible were changed to telephone and Video consults.
The clinic continues to offer Vaccine Clinics for those people needing to complete their primary course, have their booster and childlren's clinics. All people aged 16 and over who have had a primary course completed more than 3 months ago are now eligible for their booster. Please make sure to utilise these clinics. To make an appointment --> COVID VACCINE CLINIC
COVID Vaccination is also available for children aged 5-11, for more information --> COVID Vaccination for Children , to make an appt CHILD COVID VACCINE CLINIC
We have learnt quickly that safe distancing , hand hygiene and mask wearing makes a huge difference to the spread of COVID infection. However its also noted that communication in face to face consultations can be challenged. If you are struggling to understand the doctor or nurse or are finding it hard for you to be understood, please let staff know . We have face shields available that along with mindful use of masks can assist communication. This is particularly important for Dr Fatemeh who has a good grasp of english but is learning our local lingo.
5. Hillcrest Community Support 
Please note that if you have been effected by the Hillcrest Tragedy in any way no matter how, there are many services options available. A simple discussion with our practice nurse or doctor might be all that is necessary. However , direct contact to the following services can be made to access psychologist support without requiring a referral from a doctor. These services have been contracted by Primary Health Tasmania who have been contracted by the State and Federal governments to deliver accessible services. Tragic events can have a ripple effect whereby those very distant from the situation feel the impact intensely. These services are available for anyone in the community .
- Psychology Cafe --> for children requiring support --> Contact Number 03 6426 3050
- Coastal Psychology --> for adults requiring support -- > Contact Number 03 64242 2048
- Headspace Devonport --> for young people and adolescents --> Contact Number 03 6424 2144
- Rural Health Tasmania --> any member of the community --> Contact Number 03 6417 3202
If you require further guidance on how to access services or how we might be able to help in anyway, then please call Don Medical Clinic reception on 6441 5299 or email any request or query you might have . For more information - click here
The Don Medical Clinic Team